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There are many changes at HBS Trash Services including a new logo and name and now they are one of HBF’s newest Project Partners. But the company is not a stranger in Colorado Front Range, as many of you have seen their “red” dumpsters and trucks on residential construction sites for 26 years! HBS Trash Services will bring the same dedication to their partnership with HBF that they bring to their customers.

HBS trash servicesFormerly known as Home Builders Services or HBS, the Colorado-owned business started out in 1996. They mostly supplied trash containers and routine collection to area homebuilders. Based on their timely and consistent dependability, HBS grew. It got to the point where they became one of the first vendors to be found on most new residential construction sites around the Colorado Front Range. Three years ago when HBS became available for sale, Tom Miller bought it. Tom is currently President of both Eagle River Capital LLC and HBS Trash Services. Tom’s vision and ambition have steadily morphed the business into what it is today.

HBS Trash Services Today

Exclusively known today as HBS Trash Services, the company has expanded to include more than 55K residential customers and 6.5K commercial clients. They service many commercial and rural residential customers with totes, dumpsters and can provide a variety of roll-off container sizes. And they’ve recently established relationships with many Home Owners Associations throughout the Front-Range. The company prides itself on customer service and provides personal reps for each of their accounts. Still being Colorado-owned and operated out of Greenwood Village, they have a unique perspective and respect for our Colorado weather systems, road conditions and our community’s needs. It is indeed a rare occasion when HBS Trash Services does not meet a scheduled pick-up. Michael Mink, Director of Marketing & Business Development states,  “”We feel our team is better prepared and know what to expect due to the experience of our operations leadership!”

HBS Trash Services is a big company with small family feel. Tom and his Principal Partners, Eric Miller and Brian Cleveringa have an open-door policy for employees, many of which have made working for HBS Trash Services a career. With little staff turnover, HBS Trash Services has been able to expand their operations. HBS Trash Services recently began offering event and portable toilet services. With everything going on, it is not unusual to see Tom and his family members working alongside staff. Teamwork and doing the right thing is a way of life within the company.

HBS Trash Services is proud of their efforts within the community. They believe in helping whenever possible. Tom Miller says, “HBS Trash Services has been involved for several years donating service to HBF. Through our relationship with John Hovde at Infinity Home Collection, we were asked to become more active with HBF.”

According to Mink, “We had just started new research & development on marketing HBS Trash Services. The timing was perfect. We are beginning a new era of commitment to our partners and it’s starting with HBF. We are excited about our new level as a “Project Partner”, with HBF.”

© 2025 HBS Trash